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"Hi! My name is Jenna. Do you want to be my friend?"

-Jenna Palmieri, age 4 and a half


Hey there! I'm Jenna. Performer, Dramaturg, Director, 5'1 on a good day, and MASSIVE nerd. Even at the tender age of four, I was spouting out animal facts and trivia like they were my ABC's. Naturally, it came as quite a shock to my parents, when after seventeen years of dreaming of becoming an archaeologist, then a forensic anthropologist, then a biochemical engineer, and finally a geneticist, I decided to pursue a career in my passion: Theatre. One undergraduate degree later, and here I am!

In addition to using my passion and voice to create, I also use it to advocate for mental health awareness. As a human who deals with anxiety and panic attacks on a fairly regular basis, I fight to build a world in which people feel safe, regardless of their vulnerability and sensitivity. If you struggle with mental health, know that I am with you, and I am here for you. 

My mission is to use my art to create space where humans can come together and connect on a truly honest level. Whether it's the little girl with wide eyes watching the magic of theatre, or a friend in the cast who needs an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on, humans are meant to connect. As much as we (and I) have tried, no one can make it through life on their own. The strongest people are those who reach out to others. 

My hero and birthday twin, Mr. Rogers, once said, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." I've had my fill of looking for the helpers. I'm ready to be one.

All Grown Up

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